Travelling within Canada

Health coverage

When traveling in your own country, you may think that you do not have to plan as much, but each province/territory is a bit different from the other. Provincial coverage only covers you in your province of origin or where you are a resident.

With this in mind, contact your payers (private insurance and public/provincial) to see what is covered when you are travelling out of province, and if you need to look at purchasing additional travel medical insurance. You may even receive travel medical insurance with your credit card. Contact your provider for more information. 

Time zones and medication

Canada has a couple of different time zones, and if you must take your medication at a specific time, you can talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to take your medication. Do not be afraid to set reminders, such as a phone alarm, for yourself to take your medication.

Washroom accessibility 

You can download Crohn’s and Colitis Canada’s GoHere Washroom Locator App to help you find a washroom while travelling.

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